Mapping the social impact inverting market in Germany
Impact investing – defined as “investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate social and environmental impact alongside a financial return” by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) – is on everyone’s lips these days. It is being talked about as a promising means to help solve the world’s social and environmental challenges. The report at hand investigates the status quo of the German social impact investing market with a particular focus on educational measures that could help solve some of Germany’s most pressing issues, namely unequal educational opportunities, long-term unemployment and relative poverty. Our research shows that social impact investing – at large and in the educational space in particular – is still in its infancy in Germany. It is driven by very few players and the government’s involvement is (to date) limited.
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Zentrum, Gebiet
Prof. Dr. Barbara Scheck
2012 bis 2013
Externe Partner
IIPC, The Rockefeller Foundation
Finanziert durch
Impact Investing Policy Collaborative (IiPC)
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- Capital market reactions to donations (Prof. Dr. Frank Schiemann)
- Kleine Graduiertengruppe: „Modellierung und normative Bewertung kollektiver Entscheidungen“, „Investitionen in Grüne Güter" (Dr. Jana Freundt)
- Fund ratings to pave the way for a 2° economy (EIT Climate KIC) (Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen)
- PRI Academic Network Conference 2017 (Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen)
- Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Futures of Sustainability: Modernization, Transformation, Control" (Prof. Dr. Sighard Neckel (Director), Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff (Director), Sören Altstaedt, Dr. Philipp Degens, Dr. Benno Fladvad, Martina Hasenfratz, Iris Hilbrich, Dr. Sarah Lenz)
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- International Law Plus (Sommerschule) zu "International Enrionmental Law" (Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur, Verena Kahl und Studierende in Form eines Austauschprogramms mit Australien)
- Working Group Business and Human Rights Arbitration (Anne van Aaken, member of the drafting committee; Chair of the working Group, former ICJ Judge Bruno Simma, , )
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- DFG-Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit: Modernisierung, Transformation, Kontrolle“ (Prof. Dr. Sighard Neckel (Kolleg Leitung), Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff (Kolleg Leitung), Sören Altstaedt, Dr. Philipp Degens, Dr. Benno Fladvad, Martina Hasenfratz, Iris Hilbrich, Dr. Sarah Lenz)