Wood as a porous, three dimensional, hygroscopic, viscoelastic and anisotropic bio-polymer composite is not yet understood completely. The gap in fundamental understanding of the highly complex anatomical, chemical and physical structure of lignocellulosic materials constrains the development of innovative wood-based products. The European wood-based panel and composite sector is composed of cost-driven industries, which lack the high-performance products that are required by an emerging bio-economy. Young researchers in independent research institutions are urged to generate, deliver and connect knowledge, which then drives real innovation in the industry. Environmental friendly building materials require elevated resistance to physical and chemical factors as well as biodegrading agents. Especially wood modification and bio-composite design aim at enhancing product performance. Extending the life span of these products enables the European market to strengthen cascade utilization, hence broadening the resource base, storing carbon dioxide and saving process energy in the long-term. The PhD workshop in Hamburg aims at connecting ideas of young researchers, active in adjacent topics such as process engineering, building physics, wood and material science. Following a holistic hands-on strategy, the programme involves specialists from the wood biology, chemistry and physics. Addressing topics such as anatomical analysis, physical and chemical modification as well as characterization, the workshop intends to cross-link the participants’ competences. The environmental impact will be investigated via the assessment of wood and modified wood products. This shall yield an advanced knowledge on how wood structure influences behaviour of renewable high-performance biomaterials. The results of the workshop may lead to ideas outside of the “wooden box”, benefiting each partner institute as well as the sector as a whole.
Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Field, Centrum
Zentrum Holzwirtschaft
Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause
E-Mail: andreas.krause"AT"
Project duration
seit 2017
Funded by
Other projects
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- BMUB BIOCLIME – Biodiversität und Klimawandel, Land: Indonesien (Prof. Dr. Michael Köhl)
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- BioHome: Baustoffe für den sozialen Wohnungsbau aus biobasierten und recycelten Rohstoffen (Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause)
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- Monitoring der Wassversorgung von Straßenrandbäumen (Prof. Dr. Annette Eschenbach)
- Understanding the technology of lightweight sandwich panel, made from wood and polyurethane (Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause)
- AEROWOOD – Holzbasierte Aerogele. Teilvorhaben 1. Funktionalisierung von Hemicellulosen für den Einsatz in Aerogelen (Prof. Dr. Bodo Saake)
- Deforestation and Development (subproject of SASSCAL-Southern African Science Service Center for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management) (Prof. Dr. Michael Schnegg)
- UHH-Patenschaft für SDG 15: Leben an Land (Prof. Dr. Michael Köhl)
- The Future Okavango (TFO) - Scientific support for sustainable land and resource management in the Okavango basin (Prof. Dr. Norbert Jürgens (project coordinator))
- International Law Plus (Sommerschule) zu "International Enrionmental Law" (Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur, Verena Kahl und Studierende in Form eines Austauschprogramms mit Australien)
Center for a Sustainable University
Mittelweg 177
20148 Hamburg